April 17, 2022
The story of Easter is the story of you and me. It is a true story, of the love of God coming into the world in human form to die for the brokenness of all mankind. It is the story of a simple fisherman who doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut. It is the story of a woman caught sleeping with a man who is not her husband. It is the story of a corrupt tax collector who can't fill his pockets deep enough to quiet the fears that keep him awake at night.
It is the story of the Son of God who died for freedom and forgiveness, and who rose again for hope and for life. It is more than a fable, more than a legend. It is a true story. It is your story. It is my story.
Won't you come share your story with us? Come experience the greatest story and greatest hope our world has.
April 17 at 10am
Eastside Baptist Church
1220 E. Bryan St.
Douglas, GA 31533